Where can I find my students Semester Planners? Semester Planners bi annually displaying weekly topics studied and where assessments fall.
Where can I find more information on the SET Plan process? At Varsity College, students have the opportunity to select from a wide range of learning options through one of four...
Where can I find more information about your Assessment Policy? This policy provides information for teachers, students and parents/carers about roles, responsibilities, processes and procedures to ensure the integrity of...
Where can I find information about school busses? Kinetic (formerly known as Surf Side Business) operates dedicated school bus services to and from our College. To learn more...
How can I find out about Senior Schooling subject options? Senior schooling options for the following year are released in term 1 to assist students and families with decision making...
Where can I find my student’s Assessment Calendars? Assessment calendars are released bi annually and display dates of assessments, assignments, projects and exams for all subjects. See attachment...