To ensure the traffic zone operates effectively, the Primary Campus implements the following strategies to support the free flow of traffic. These strategies will require the cooperation of all families who utilise the area.
- In the afternoon the pick-up zone will be supervised from 2.40–3.10pm. It is most congested at 2.40pm.
- All students being collected from this area will be required to sit under the shaded area next to the playground until their parent/carer arrives. The area from the hall to the waiting area will be clear of students. The playground will be off limits to students until pick-up area is clear. The only students allowed in this area will be those waiting for transport home.
- The only exit gates for students will be the two bottom gates adjacent to the playground and soccer goal posts.
- When entering the zone, parents are asked to clearly display children’s family names on the sun visor or windscreen of the vehicle and move forward as far as possible. The college will provide these signs for families.
- The supervisor on duty will alert students by public address when their ride arrives. Students will be required to move quickly to the vehicle for exit of the area. If students are not present or do not respond to the message, the vehicle will be required to move out of the pick-up lane, do a loop around pick-up zone and rejoin the queue. Administration will address this procedure with students and ask families to reinforce the procedure to save frustration and tears. People picking up students must not leave their vehicles in this area unless legally parked as it will cause major disruption to the entire process.
- Students will not be allowed to cross the pick-up area to enter a vehicle.
- As the area is under the authority of the City of Gold Coast and Queensland Traffic Authority, parents are reminded Queensland Police randomly patrol the area and persons contravening traffic laws will receive traffic infringement notices (fines).
The Primary Campus seeks family support in ensuring students adhere to the above policies to promote safe practices so students are not put in potentially dangerous situations. If you have any questions in relation to these matters, please do not hesitate to contact the campus administration.